We want to carry out this project to help youth associations who want to work with ESC volunteering to get their Quality label and move the first steps in this field. This action will increase the youth mobility, fostering European values and awareness of the opportunities offered by the European Union, where differences can become a value instead of an obstacle and different people can be united by common values of tolerance and peace.
Contatti e orari
La segreteria è aperta su appuntamento in Piazza Martiri della Libertà (Piazza delle Erbe) n. 39 a Faenza - +39 392 700 1983
Per progetti locali e internazionali - progetti@pigreco-semi.org
PiGreco - SEMI di Intercultura APS
C.F. 90035420398
P. Iva 02732270398
RUNTS: numero di repertorio 49319 del 22/09/2022
PIC: 917101633
OID: E10010884
Pec: direttivo@pec.pigreco-semi.org
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