Hello! Here’s Margherita writing from Leszno, Poland. Since my last report a lot of things have changed: Some people came and some people left, and, unfortunately, I’m also reaching the end of my project, and even with a little over twomonths left, the time just doesn’t seem enough for everything I want to do still.…

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Formazione per Formatori – Get the Net!

Grazie al progetto Get the Net, possiamo offrire gratuitamente una formazione per formatori. Dove? A Faenza, in Via Cavour n. 7 (complesso ex. Cova) + 1 incontro operativo a Ravenna Quando? Da lunedì 18 a giovedì 21, dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 Dettagli: Iscrizioni:

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25 Ghost hunters in Tredozio

An horror story made in an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Tredozio. Once upon a time the best ghost hunters from Croatia, Greece, Italy, Spain and Slovakia set out to a hunted monastery to chase out the ghosts of Re-mind Yourself Youth Exchange. It was located in Tredozio, which is a place with lot of mystery…

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