EU projects

ESC, E+ and more

EU projects

ESC LEAD: PiGreco – SEMI is accredited as ESC LEAD organization and coordinates international volunteering projects in Faenza, Ravenna, Bologna, Pavia, Salerno and Bari.

Erasmus+ KA1: PiGreco – SEMI holds an Erasmus+ KA1 accreditation and manages youth exchanges and training courses.

We participate in Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas, Cooperation of Civil Society in the fields of Youth, Education and Training.

We participate in Erasmus+ KA2, KA3 and CERV partnerships.

*Se rappresenti un’organizzazione con Quality Label HOST, per ospitare volontari del Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà, e cerchi una organizzazione LEAD per supportare i tuoi progetti, scrivi a

EU projects